

Welcome to Troop 555, The Triple Nickel!

Troop 555 was established in September of 2012. It was the vision of a group of scouts who were looking for a more challenging scouting experience than they were getting. They wanted a truly boy-led troop with a focus on service, scout skills, backpacking and adventure. The adults in the troop see their roles as mentors, counselors and facilitators, helping the scouts to plan activities and advance in rank. As a troop, we encourage both scouts and adults to take advantage of the many training opportunities available in scouting. 

Troop 555 meets most Sundays from 6:00pm until 7:30pm at the Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1452 W. Southlake Blvd, Southlake, TX 76092 (directly across from Carroll Senior High School). We usually don't hold meetings on the weekends we have campouts. Please refer to the Upcoming Events list to the right if you are interested in specific meeting dates or troop activities.

You can find out more information about Troop 555 on our About Us page, or you are welcome to contact our troop leadership:

Scoutmaster Laura Russell                           scoutmaster@BSATroop555.org

Committee Chair Amy Bei                           committeechair@BSATroop555.org

Troop Treasurer Michael McCown                 treasurer@BSATroop555.org


To locate a Scouting unit near you click here.  BSA Locator

To un-subscribe from the Troop emails click here un-subscribe , for all other requests use the Contact Us link to the left.

Important Year-End Announcements!

Posted on May 21 2024 - 3:43pm

Hi Triple Nickel Family!

Please read the following announcements for end of year:

  • Court of Honor is Sunday, June 2nd and this is our final meeting before summer break.
  • Please make final Summer Camp payment if you/your Scout has a balance due.  Checks can be made out to Trinity Presbyterian Church and mailed to Amy Bei at 2904 Knight Ct., Southlake 76092
  • Summer Camp medical forms and physicals:  Please turn in ASAP!  It takes time to organize these - DON'T WAIT! 
  • Northern Tier:  We have Scouts that would love to go but we need two amazing registered adults to lead them!  Please let Amy/Laura know ASAP if you are interested so we can plan this High Adventure, before spots are full.
  • Mr. Mike is working on auditing individual Scout & Adult accounts in Scoutbook to bring these up to date.  Once completed, we will send statements out and would greatly appreciate everyone bringing account balances up to date.  And please reach out with questions or concerns - we know times are tough and never want finances to keep our families from enjoying all that Scouting has to offer.
  • Notes from our 4/28/24 Committee Meeting are attached for reference.  Thank you to those parents who attended.
  • CONGRATS to Sumyak on his graduation from Carroll Senior HS!  He is working diligently on his Eagle Project plan, so please be on the lookout for announcements on how we can support him in achieving his Eagle Rank.
  • WELCOME to new Scout Samuel Melesse and his family.  We look forward to meeting y'all!

Always reach out with any questions or concerns to Ms. Laura at (817) 504-5961 or me at (707) 738-7991.  We can help y'all keep moving forward with advancements over summer break!

January 21st Meeting: OA Elections & IMPORTANT Parent Meeting

Posted on Jan 14 2024 - 9:31am

Hello again,

We MUST have over 50% attendance by scouts at next Sunday's troop meeting to conduct Order of the Arrow Elections, and we have several scouts eligible.  We need to show up to support these boys who have been faithfully attending and participating in scouting activities over the last 2 years to earn that eligibility. 

OA Elections January 21st

Posted on Dec 18 2023 - 9:04am

Scouts & Families: 

We have several Scouts and adults in our Troop who are currently eligible for membership in the Order of the Arrow (OA), Scouting's National Honor Society.  A representative of our local Lodge will attend our meeting on Sunday, January 21, 2024, to conduct elections for all eligible. Our Lodge is Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk (Lodge 209), which encompasses Longhorn Council.  Our chapter is Kwihnai, which encompasses Pathfinder District. In order to conduct elections, WE MUST HAVE AT LEAST HALF OUR TROOP MEMBERS PRESENT TO HOLD THE ELECTION (but those eligible are NOT required to be present to be elected to membership). Please plan to attend!
Eligible Scouts:
Bryan Xu
Jeffrey Liu
Lawson Deck
Paul Moore
Santiago Rodriguez
"For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.  This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well.  Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others.  OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich and help to extend Scouting to America's youth."


Posted on Nov 8 2023 - 5:40pm

Hi Troop Family,

In addition to holding Troop Elections, I would like to have one parent from each family join us at this Sunday's Troop meeting to discuss the following topics:

2024 Brazos Valley Merit Badge College (BVMBC)

Posted on Oct 18 2023 - 4:55pm
If your scout plans to attend, you need to register now for the Brazos Valley Merit Badge College to be held on January 13 and 27, 2024.  Scouts MUST attend both days.  This is one of the largest merit badge colleges in our council.  Below is information about the BVMBC.  Attached is the full course offerings list.  Please read through the offerings for each of the three session times.  Please NOTE that some merit badges have minimum rank requirements and that some courses take up two sessions.
I need each scout to provide four (4) choices for each session via email to Amy Bei at amykbei@gmail.com.  We will try to get scouts in their first choice, but some classes fill quickly.  The sooner you respond to this email, the better!  Remember if a scout directly responds to this email, he MUST copy another adult (parent or troop leader) on that email.
The cost is $30 per scout.  Payments can be made online via our website or you can use funds in your scout's Scout Account (if there are any).  All scouts must send Amy Bei an email with their options in order to register for the BVMBC.  You must send the registration email and make a payment to the troop in order to register.
The troop is required to provide adult volunteers in order to attend.  Adults who want to go will need to register as helpers. 


Posted on Oct 18 2023 - 4:42pm

Troop Family, it's time for the annual recharter process to commence!

National BSA has increased it's Youth Fee by $5 and it's Adult Fee by $15, so 2023-2024 Annual Dues are as follows:  $180 for each Scout and $72 for each Registered Adult.  Please add $15.00 for your Scout if they wish to add the subscription to Scout Life magazine.  This subscription is not included in the $180 fee. Payment of annual dues is requested by November 19th, as I must submit our recharter payment and paperwork no later than December 1st.

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